Opera’s trademarks, service marks, and logos (“Brand Assets”) are valuable properties. These guidelines apply to the authorized use of Opera Brand Assets by Opera’s employees, agents, partners, independent contractors and any third party making reference to Opera or any of its products or services. These guidelines must be followed in order to properly identify Opera’s brand names for its products and services, and to protect and enhance their value and strength. You may not use an Opera Brand Asset without express, written permission from Opera.
Disclaimer: These guidelines govern your marketing and promotion of products and services that include an Opera Brand Asset. The statements contained herein are for illustrative purposes only. You are encouraged to contact Opera or refer to the governing agreement authorizing your use of an Opera Brand Asset for further information. Opera reserves the right to revise these guidelines at any time. Any modified guidelines will be published here the Opera website.
Opera Brandbook
Opera Product Logos

The logo should appear prominently in all communication materials.
Please do not attempt to create your own art for the Opera logo, icon or logotype for any application.
Opera Product Images

The product images should appear prominently in all communication materials.
Please do not attempt to create your own art for the Opera logo, icon or logotype for any application.